What to do in Prague

What to do in Prague
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Prague is more than a city of breathtaking historical monuments and buildings. Things to do in Prague - there is varied offer of numerous theatres, museums, exhibitions, galleries and music clubs. As well as entertainment and sport centres too.

Who is right now sceptical about what to do in Prague, will finally bring home countless experiences and memories. Prague is not only beautiful but also fun. When you visit, have fun too. Prague is a city in the very heart of Europe also prides itself on a rich social and cultural life.

So, what to do in Prague?

This is very nice video about what to do in Prague from Cities in 4K



National Theatre Prague - What to do in Prague
National Theatre Prague

If you are an excited theatre lover, you will appreciate the wide selection of the theatres of Prague. The National Theatre (Národní divadlo), Stavovské divadlo, Divadlo na Vinohradech, Činoherní klub, Divadlo na Fidlovačce, Švandovo divadlo, Divadlo bez zábradlí and many others are among the most prominent ones.

You can choose from a varied offer of plays that will satisfy the lovers of classic works as well as those who prefer contemporary talents.

Museums, Galleries, Exhibitions

National National Technical Museum Prague
National Technical Museum Prague

Visit some of the Prague museums to enjoy fun and education provided by these comprehensive sources of information about the history and present of Prague or specific subjects. The main museums are Národní muzeum a Prague Museum (Muzeum hlavního města Prahy).

You can see specified expositions for example in the National Technical Museum (Národní technické muzeum), the Postal Museum (Poštovní muzeum), the Kampa Museum or in the Wax Museum (Muzeum voskových figurín).
Prague galleries present various art expositions and exhibitions accross all art forms and cultural fields. The Prague City Gallery (Galerie hlavního města Prahy), the National Gallery (Národní galerie), the Vyšehrad Gallery or the DOX Center of Contemporary Art Museum are among the most interesting ones. If you are looking for what to do in Prague, these museums are necessary for exploring Prague.


Your music ambitions can also be fulfilled in Prague, thanks to the hundreds of local concert halls and music clubs. Some of them have been operating for over a hundred years. For example, you can enjoy classical music concerts in the Neo-Renaissance building of the Rudolfinum, the State Opera or the Municipal House. Clubs and large halls offer modern music performances and mega concerts of world music celebrities.

The selection of clubs with a “reputation” is very diverse in Prague and the clubs provide spaces not only to famous bands but also to new musicians and popular dance parties. The most popular Prague clubs are for example Akropolis at Žižkov, Lucerna Music Bar, Karlovy lázně or Roxy and Vagon (rock music) in the centre of Prague.


Needless to say, cinemas belong to the most widely visited cultural institutions. Those who focus on film quality will appreciate the modern multiplexes (Palace Cinema, Village Cinema, Cinema City or IMAX) with huge screens and comfortable chairs. These cinema centers are usually discounted admission on Monday.
There are also smaller cinemas with a poetic atmosphere resembling the days of the previous century that are popular with film lovers, such as the cinemas Lucerna, Modřanský biograf, Kino Oko and Aero Kino.

Nature and Relaxation

Even though Prague is a modern city, you don’t need to spend the whole time in its narrow streets. Visit one of the local parks and take a break from the city hustle and bustle, noise and dust. The parks in Stromovka, at Vyšehrad or on the Petřín hill are among the most popular ones. Both people from Prague and tourists come here to do sports, walk, relax, read and have popular picnics, particularly on hot summer days. If you are planning what to do in Prague during your stay there, don't forget to take a rest at this nice place.

Vyšehrad park Prague - beautiful for a picnic
Vyšehrad park Prague - beautiful for a picnic

You can also entertain yourself in the indoor pools, outdoor swimming pools and in other sports complexes scattered all over Prague. The ZOO is also worth visiting and can be great fun mostly for the little ones.

Get to Know Prague with Prague Card

The Prague Card is a tourist card for people from all over the world. With this card you can enjoy Prague for affordable prices and soak in its beauty without worries about timely reservations for monuments or theatres. Once you have paid a one-time fee, you can travel by public transport within Prague for free for up to four days. At the website of Prague card you can also find an information about what to do in Prague.

Prague Card - What to do in Prague
Prague Card - source: https://www.praguecard.com

What are the other advantages of Prague Card?

  • Prague Card Guide guidebook for free, containing information about all buildings in 7 different languages
  • Airport Express for free – airport transfer bus
  • 2hour round trip in the Historical Prague Tour bus for free
  • Free entrance to the Prague Castle, including a tour of the St. Vitus Cathedral, the Old Royal Palace (Starý královský palác), the Golden Lane (Zlatá ulička), Daliborka and St. George’s Basilica (Bazilika svatého Jiří)
  • Free entrance to the buildings of the Jewish cemetery – the Synagogue, the Ceremonial Hall, the Old Jewish Cemetery
  • Entry fee discounts for over 30 other monuments and buildings
  • Up to 50% discount for excursions, cruises, concerts and restaurants