Czech beer is the best

Czech beer
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The Czech Republic is a small country in Central Europe. The 10 million inhabitants boast one of the largest beer consumption per capita. Czechs can not only drink beer, but also produce on a world level beer. Czech beer has a sour taste, is not too bitter or sweet, it is just right. But let's just say something about the beer itself.

The history of beer

Egyptian hieroglyphics and beer
Egyptian hieroglyphics and beer

Beer is probably one of the most popular alcoholic drinks around the world. People love its acidification, its taste and flavor, and its freshness. But how did beer appear?

Next to wine, beer is also among the oldest beverages that were ever made by human. Specialists believe that the production of beer dates back to the 5th millennium BC, the least, when it was believed that it was produced in Iran.

Also, there are written proofs in the history of the ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia that beer was made and consumed from the beginning of times, rapidly spreading throughout the rest of the world.

Because almost any type of cereal that contain sugars can go through a spontaneous process of fermentation, due to the fact that wild yeasts are airborne and can easily reach deposits of cereals. Because of this, it is believed that the making of beer appeared as soon as man managed to domesticate and cultivate cereals.

Pottery jars discovered in an archeological site in Iran provided the evidence, after chemical tests have been unrolled on the jars, that beer was produced through fermentation 7,000 years ago in the ancient settlements that existed in this area.

This is the earliest palpable proof of beer brewing in the history of mankind, although many think that beer was produced earlier than this. Many believe that the invention of bread and beer helped mankind evolve and reach technological development, building the civilization we all know today.

So yes, beer is a very important part of what we are in present days, this ancient beverage remaining highly appreciated all over the world and by people of all ages.

Health benefits and risks

If consumed in moderation, beer has a rather impressive number of health benefits anyone can enjoy. Beer protects your heart just as much red wine does, a group of Italian researchers discovering that people who consume beer have 40% lower risks of developing heart illnesses.

Drinking one or two beers will make you a bit more creative, which is very useful when having to find solutions to various problems. Consume beer in moderate levels and this beverage will keep type 2 diabetes away from you.

Beer is also known for cleaning your kidneys, preventing kidney stones from forming and promoting a healthy function of your kidneys. You can feel them work when you feel the need to visit the restroom rather often when you’re drinking beer. But it appears that not only the fluid consumptions is good for your kidneys, but the content of the beer that washes away any impurities and does not allow calcium to be washed away from your bones, which may in time turn in painful kidney stones.

About Czech beer

Really nice review of Czech beer from Youtube channel Prague TV studio

The Czech Republic is famous for its beer, many people visiting the country not just to enjoy the amazing and beautiful cities found here, but also to drink authentic Czech beer. “Pivo”, as the beer is known in the Czech Republic, was made in this land before the 6th century, when the Slavic migration began.

Czech Beer in History
Czech Beer in History

Source of the image: Pinterest

Still, back in those days, the ingredients used for making beer differed from the ones used in present days. Also, breweries started to exist in the Czech Republic since the 12th century, which was the same century the country began exporting beer, while in Germany they started appearing only in the 13th century.

Hops were cultivated in this part of the world since a very long time, where every city had at least one brewery that produced beer at a local level. The land of the historical Bohemia, Silesia, and Moravia, the Czech Republic had many famous cities for beer brewing, some of the most important being Prague, Budweis, and Plzeň, the city where the golden Pilsner beer was created, the first light colored beer that was ever made in the history of beer.

Pilsner Urquell - one of the best Czech beer
Pilsner Urquell - one of the best Czech beer

Where to taste great beer in Prague

Prague, the capital city of the Czech Republic, has many amazing spots where you can enjoy czech beer. The Pilsner is still the most famous type of beer served here, but don’t hesitate to try other high-quality assortments while you are in the area. In interesting phenomenon in Prague is the increase in the number of microbreweries, which produce smaller quantities of beer because they focus on quality and outstanding flavor. So, if you have the chance, do try the beer provided by these microbreweries, because most certainly you will be pleasantly surprised.

Getting back to the places where you can taste great beer in Prague, you’ll find many pubs ready t serve a wide range of beer assortments. Some of the most famous pubs in Prague are:

1) The cellar chain "Lokál"

Lokál restaurant
Lokál restaurant

One of the finest chains of pubs in Prague, with regard to the quality and taste of Pilsner Urquell czech beer.

Where you can find the Local pubs in Prague:

  1. "Lokál u Bílé Kuželky", Prague 1 (historical city centre), Opening hours from 11:30am to 12pm - google maps preview
  2. "Lokál nad Stromovkou", Prague 7, Opening hours 11:30am - 12pm - google maps preview
  3. "Lokál Dlouhá", Prague 1, Opening hours 11:00am - 01:00am - google maps preview
  4. "Lokál Hamburk", Prague 8, (the newest one), Opening hours 11:00am - 12.00pm - google maps preview

In addition to beer, Lokal offers a small treat for beer, but do not expect a big dinner, either classic sausage from a butcher, a snapper or similar tasting.

In our opinion, the best one is Lokál u Bílé Kuželky, because of nice Prague historical places

And that's the reason why this chain gets a special space on the right side here to highlight its branches in Prague. The price for one beer is 42 CZK.

2) U kroka pub

U Kroka restaurant
U Kroka restaurant

A small, family restaurant with a meal where they do not use sweeteners, just herbs, salt and pepper, all for reasonable money.

But we're not here for food, but for beer. On the spigot there is perfectly treated tank czech beer Pilsner Urquell.

This picturesque, lively restaurant and pub can be found a short walk from the sacred Vysehrad and the Vltava riverbank.

It could be final stop of your journey through Prague, and quite a nice location for a nice but also a cheap hotel, cause it's still at the heart of Prague (Prague 2). The price for one beer is 48 CZK. Opening hours are from 11:00am - 11:00pm. If you want to save time, you can book sits through this application

There is a map where you can find it: Google maps preview


3) U Hrocha pub

U Hrocha Prague
U Hrocha pub - Prague

Interesting pub, really.

The interior is nothing special, but it makes the beer that is here. This cellar is such an interest that a lot of people stand quietly outside or even in the pub "on the stand". Occasionally, the people in the suit appear here, because the Czech Parliament is next to it.

Look at these hundreds of satisfied reviews at Tripadvisor.

And again, there is the best czech bottom fermented beer - Pilsner Urquell.

Location is also awesome, cause its close Prague Castle. Check the Google maps preview. The price for one beer is 45 CZK. Opening hours are from 12:00am to 11:00pm.

Picture from website.


4) U Vejvodů pub

U Vejvodů house and pub
U Vejvodů house and pub

This pub is in a beautiful historic aisle and is located on the ground floor and a very extensive basement of the ancient house.

They have also a phenomenal Pilsner Urquell czech beer and you do not have to worry that you would not come here because of many people, the underground is much bigger than the first part of pub.

More photos you can find there: The price for one beer is 43 CZK. Opening hours are from 11:00am to 03:00am.

Also check this inspiration (for who loves a beer) video (from this Youtube channel). 

And there check the location: Google maps preview

5) U Pinkasů pub

U Pinkasů Prague
U Pinkasů Prague

The pub "U Pinkasů" was opened at the same day when began the production of Pilsner Urquell beer in Pilsen, in 1843.

The pub "U Pinkasů" is not the oldest in Prague, the first pub is the "U Fleků" pub. Even so, here you can enjoy glass beer and excellent food. And in the summer months you can enjoy, as you can see in the picture, a sitting in a beautiful historical alley, near Wenceslas Square.

The price for one beer is 49 CZK. Opening hours are from 10:00am to 11:30pm.

For its location and uniqueness, the restaurant was visited by a number of historically well-known personalities from the Czech Republic, for example Palacký, Rieger, Jungmann, later also T.G. Masaryk and many others.

If you want to save time, you can book sits through this application


6) U Fleků pub

U Fleků Pub - Prague
U Fleků Pub

The oldest pub in Prague and in nowadays its also a nice microbrewery

For brewery is particularly important year 1843, when the famous Flekov dark 13% lager started to cook here for the first time. It is still cooked here and if you want to taste different beer than Pilsner Urquell, there is a chance, because beer is very good.

The price for one beer is 49 CZK and opening hours are from 10:00am to 11:00pm.

There is a google maps preview.

7) U Medvídků Brewery

U Medvídků Brewery - Prague
U Medvídků Brewery

At present (2016), the House U Medvídků is used as a hotel, restaurant and microbrewery. It is the smallest brewery in the Czech Republic with a maximum annual exhibition of 300 hl of the semi-dark lager of Oldgott.

The brewery uses previously used methods such as shoe cooling, open fermentation vats, wooden lager barrels, or hand-bottled bottles with a patent seal in the production of beer. 

However, these special beers do not have to taste everyone, according to our experience there is certainty in Pilsen Urquell beer.

The price of one beer is about 50 CZK. Opening hours are from 11:30am to 11:00pm.

Google maps preview here.